Neon tut title image

Neon Signs in PSP8

This is a requested tutorial. I was playing around with one of Gary Barton's newer scripts on my shapes. While I won't share the original shapes from that experiment- you can see it at the end of this tutorial- I will share another shape created for this tutorial.

Those who paid their fee to the Dames Members Site will learn how I vectored the shapes. That tut is not a prerequisite for this one though.



You need my canvas. You also need Gary Barton's VectorTube script. Kindly follow his install directions after downloading his script.

Fonts I used to create the canvas:


You will need to open the canvas file.

  1. Click on the SPARE sublayer. Click the tube tool and choose either Neon green or Neon pink tube. Size = 50. In the script drop down menu choose VectorTube. Run the script. You may wish to rename the created layer from "promoted layer" to "SPARE neon". Adjust->Hue & Saturation->Colorize with 127, 255.
  2. Click on "Lanes" sublayer. Run the script. Rename the new layer. Colorize with 28,151.
  3. Click on bowlingball and run script. Rename the new layer. Colorize with 187,255.
  4. Click on stripe and run script. Rename the new layer. Colorize with 255,255.
  5. Click on pin and run script. Rename the new layer. Colorize with 0,0. Adjust->Brightness & Contrast->Gamma Correction. Make sure the little box is checked and move any of the sliders to the right to lighten the gray into white. Repeat Gamma Correction if needed, but you shouldn't need to slide it so far right.
  6. Click on sign base and run script. Rename the new layer. Colorize with 18,255.
  7. You now have a finished neon sign. Do experiment with other vector shapes, lines and fonts and use other tubes.
  8. Another use for my continuous tubes! Thank you Gary!
  9. My Red Bird Inn Sign.

    sample redbird inn

  10. Comic Sans, registry, and many other script fonts look good with VectorTube.

    sample showing various text with script applied


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