
Inspired by Ronni, who already understands how far from tutorials I can wander.

We will use a JASC custom brush to make a tube that can be used for icing/piping and whatever else you can think up. You will also learn a few handy tricks and colorizing basics.


  1. Open a new image, 400x400 transparent 16 million colors. Must be a transparent background so we can make a tube later. Note, you can make a 100 or 200 square image instead for this part.
  2. First, choose your custom brush Jacs brush icon.

    brush settings

  3. Set your foreground style to White. All other styles to null. Why? So we can colorize it later.

    styles and colors

  4. Use the brush Jasc brush icon once in the center of your image.

    1 brush imprint

  5. Go to Effects->3D->Inner bevel and use these settings --bevel color is important:

    inner bevel settings

  6. Go to Effects->3D->Drop Shadow and use these settings -shadow color is important:

    drop shadow settings

    Click OK.

  7. Now, go to FILES->Export->Picture Tube. Use these settings:

    settings for exporting as a tube

    Wait! Don't forget to change that custom brush back to normal.

  8. To test your new tube:

    Open a new image. Click on the tube Jasc tube icon tool and choose your new tube. Resize the tube down from 100. I used 30-50 in my screen shots. Hold down your mouse and drag it around. You should see a long string thing.

    testing new tubes



If that was too easy for you, try this.

Repeat the steps above using a preset shape shapes icon and foreground and background styles set to white, width 2.

Use the same inner bevel and shadow and then save as a tube using the continuous placement and step 1.

Test out your new tube in a new transparent image.

You can colorize your creations with the Colors->Colorize option in PSP. Colorize works best on non-solid white or black images. Now you see why I specified all the bevel, shadow and foreground colors.

Jasc Colorize options window

Unfamiliar with Colorizer? Walk through my Colorizer lesson for pointers.

A possibility: Celery and peanut butter or cream cheese anyone?

peanut butter on celery stick

I see celery, filling, whipped topping and pasta. What do you see these tubes as?


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