This tutorial was created because some very nice people on a non-graphics list would NOT stop talking about ice cream. LOL. Since I already did something which can be used to create ice cream, I needed a cone to put it on. This tutorial was written using PSP 7.02. If you have 7.01, the Retouch tool options are spread across 2 tabs in the options window. (Why "Q's"? I needed a name and these are "quality cones".)
You can make a sugar cone by yourself and even convert it into a waffle cone. Somebody ate the waffle cone already, so you're on your own there. If you aren't as sure of yourself or don't like sugar cones, I also provide instructions for creating a cake cone with selection files I provide.
Download this supply file and unzip it. Please make a note of the location of the files. You will need to reference these later in the tutorial.
.SEL files Please Do NOT try to open these with the FILE or BROWSE commands. Just store them in your SELECTIONS folder. You can create one if you don't already have it, or just keep in the unzipped download folder. As long as you can find the files again. :)
(These are actually just invisible outlined shapes I'm providing for you. Otherwise, you'd be drawing each cone piece from scratch.)
Invert again and keep selected.
Light color= #FFFECB
Dark Color= #FEEDA0
Select none.
Go up to Effects->Geometric->Vertical cylinder.
Be sure to move
your text to be completely on your cone top.
Fill either or all your cones if you wish with the ice cream made using tubes from my Icing lesson. You can tint your ice cream to be any flavor.
PSP7 tool icons are from MaMaT's icon tubes.
"PSP" refers to
CorelTM Paint ShopTM Pro®.
The individual creators own the copyrights and/or trademarks on their respective software filters, fonts, presets, Quick Guides, scripts, magazines, and images/banners which are mentioned or appear on these pages.
Customizable layout provided by Blue Robot CSS layouts. Note that I changed the colors, background and customized the CSS for my site.
© Copyright 2001-2011, Monica Wallek, All rights reserved.
Using my tutorial, means you agreed to these usage terms. All page elements, tutorials, and explanatory and sample graphics belong to me except where otherwise noted.