Welcome to my scripting tutorial. We will be creating a simple script based on my PSP8 Background Tutorial. You might want to read through the tutorial before following this one. You will be performing all those steps in sequence for this tutorial to be recorded as a script. This is not an in-depth scripting tutorial. You will just record a simple script.
For those of you wondering about whats and whys of scripts, have you ever used email filters/rules to remove spam from your inbox? Have you ever used any macros in your word processing, database or accounting software? The filters or macros made life easier on you by doing the repetitive chores for you! Scripts are used to speed up regular graphics chores for you. There are some limitations in scripting-- not all plugin filters can be scripted, and if they are, your users must have the identical plugin installation to yours(a real challenge). Also, some things just can't be scripted yet.
For those of you who already customized your workspace, I am showing and describing the PSP8 Default workspace.
I am including 2 presets which you will place in your /My Documents/My PSP8 Files/Presets folder. Note that is NOT in your Program files area. But why did I include these now when you already typed them in? So that we make sure the script runs on the right default settings for each Effect we will record. "Last Used" varies depending on what else you have done with the effect and program. Supplies are here.
I numbered the buttons so you'll know which one I'm referring to.
When you save scripts you record, you want them to default to the MY PSP8 Files/Scripts-Restricted folder in your My Documents area which the program set up at install. This is where you will place any scripts you download as well. Restricted means you or anyone else can't accidently redo your drive or program. I reserve "Trusted" for those scripts from JASC only. Better to be safe than sorry.
Why didn't I let the script record the SAVE file? Because the PSP SAVE command is a TRUSTED function and the script would need to be saved in the Scripts-Trusted folder. The trusted folder is reserved for the original scripts from Jasc, and those other scripts specified as "trusted" by creators who you trust not to take over your computer. (yup they could... save, delete, etc.) In the Beta testing, Jasc reccommended that you keep your own created scripts in the Restricted folder, just in case you coded in a problem. Besides, if I forget to save, I can always run the script again to generate the file.
PSP7 tool icons are from MaMaT's icon tubes.
"PSP" refers to
CorelTM Paint ShopTM Pro®.
The individual creators own the copyrights and/or trademarks on their respective software filters, fonts, presets, Quick Guides, scripts, magazines, and images/banners which are mentioned or appear on these pages.
Customizable layout provided by Blue Robot CSS layouts. Note that I changed the colors, background and customized the CSS for my site.
© Copyright 2001-2011, Monica Wallek, All rights reserved.
Using my tutorial, means you agreed to these usage terms. All page elements, tutorials, and explanatory and sample graphics belong to me except where otherwise noted.