finished bug spray image


Picnic Bug Spray


Prestigious Dames' Ants divider

We'll be using the vector tools in PSP7 or PSP8 to create a can of bug spray. No node editing, but should already be comfortable grouping, copying, mirroring, moving and changing the properties of vector layers. Familiarity with the various vector tools is assumed.

Prestigious Dames' Ants divider


You'll need version 7 or 8 of Jasc's Paint Shop Pro.
No outside filters needed.

Prestigious Dames' Ants divider

  1. Open a new 450 x 450 16 million color transparent image.
  2. Choose the rounded rectangle vector shape, create as vector
    checked, antalias checked, retain style unchecked.
  3. Set your foreground color to null and your
    background color to #0000C0.
  4. Now, we'll be drawing a rounded rectangle which will become
    the form for the can later.
    Draw out your rounded rectangle, with create as vector checked, UNchecked retain style.
    original can base completed
  5. Select that shape you just drew, copy it, paste it as new
    vector selection.
  6. Move the copy so that it is positioned the same as
    the original.
  7. Using the Vector Selector, change the foreground to null and
    background color to #4E4F8C.
    Set the fill to gradient (look for the name "Fading Background"), stroke to null.
    In the gradient window, choose angle 90, repeat 1, and linear gradient.
    You now have a bit of dimension on your can.
    dimensional base
  8. Now, rename the original "Can" and the one you
    pasted "can shading". DO NOT GROUP THEM.
    WHY? You want the shading to be above the text
    and other items you might add on the can later.
  9. Now, change the vector shape to an ellipse.
  10. Set your foreground color to null and
    the background color to #808080.
  11. We are drawing out an oval wider than it is tall
    for the top part of our can.
    I've moved the new ellipse behind the can layer
    so I can align the oval tips with the top of the can.
    step 11 done
  12. Select the shape you just drew, copy it,
    paste it as new vector selection exactly over the original shape.
  13. Using the Vector Selector, change the foreground to null and
    background color to #C0C0C0.
    Set the fill to gradient (Fading Background), stroke to null.
    In the gradient window, choose angle 0, repeat 0, INVERT checked and sunburst gradient.
    You now have a bit of dimension on your top.
    step 13 done
  14. Group your new top and shaded top. Rename as Top.
  15. Choose the rounded rectangle vector shape one final time.
    Set foreground to null, background to white.
  16. Draw out the spray button. Rename "spray button".
    step 16 done
  17. Change your background to light gray.
    Set the shape to ellipse.
  18. Draw out the nozzle inset area.
    Rename the shape "nozzle inset".
  19. Changing only your background color to dark gray,
    add an even smaller ellipse centered on your last shape.
    Rename this shape "nozzle".
  20. Now, group the button, and nozzle parts.
    Rename the group "nozzle".
  21. Set the background color to a nice bright yellow.
    I used #FCEE0E.
    Type the first line of the bug spray name, Pest.
    I used Comic Sans at size 48 and BOLD.
    step 21 done
  22. Change your background color to orange, I used #FD8F0D.
    Type in the second line of your bug spray name, Free.
  23. Now, arrange the vector parts as shown and group.
    Name the group Bug Spray.
    all layers shown
  24. Rename the vector 1 layer "Bug Spray".
    This will make things very nice when we save as a preset shape.
  25. To save your new spray can as a preset shape,
  26. Be sure to save your image as a .psp or .pspimage file as well.
    Just in case you need to correct something with the shape.
  27. For those wondering why you had to rename each vector part,
    in PSP8, line, ellipse, vector, etc can cause PSP8 to think the
    shape is a duplicate of another shape and
    not allow you access to that shape. (PSP8 will not see named duplicate items.)
  28. To use your shape: Open a new image any size, choose preset
    shapes, retain style, create as vector.
    Draw out your shape.
  29. You can either convert to raster, or select each part of your
    new shape and promote the individual parts to their own layers.
    The second method allows you to insert insects or whatever else
    on raster layers between the converted vector layers.

Prestigious Dames' Ants divider

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All web page graphics © 2003 Prestigious Dames
title image © 2003 Monica Wallek
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